Our response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
In these uncertain times caused by the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19), we wanted to reach out to all of our clients and partners personally about what we are doing here at Epic Integration to support you and keep everybody safe.
You will all be well aware of the news and we wanted to communicate the most recent advice as given by the Government which you can retrieve by clicking on the link:
As this situation evolves it is likely the Government advice will to continue to alter to reflect these changes and we as a company are working in accordance with the advice given by the Government.
Our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our customers and staff. Key to this is following government recommendations closely and taking suitable precautions wherever possible.
Thankfully no suspected cases of COVID-19 have been reported amongst our staff. Our office and all services are still operating fully and as always we can provide support remotely to every client.
Some of the steps we’ve taken to minimise the risk to our staff and customers include the following:
The strictest hygiene standards are being followed at all our sites, with hand wash/sanitiser stations around the business, disinfectant sprays and alcohol wipes at work stations, and posters reminding staff to wash their hands regularly.
All of the team have suitable tools and equipment on board to minimise unnecessary travel and we communicate/work remotely frequently so are already prepared for most scenarios.
Should a member of staff or a member of the public that we have dealings with, be it on-site, or at one of the many houses or offices we visit, be confirmed with COVID-19, we will notify any involved parties at our earliest. We would be sure to follow the remedial advice given by the PHE local Health Protection Team and communicate those steps accordingly.
If however, you receive information that any members of the team or members of the public that we may have been in contact with are suspected or have been confirmed with COVID-19, please notify us as soon as possible.
If you have any concerns or would like to discuss please do not hesitate to call our office or any of the team on the normal contact details.
Stay safe and keep in touch.
The Epic Team